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Counseling Homepage

Meet the SVHS School Counseling Team!

Welcome to the SVHS School Counseling page! Here, you'll meet your school counseling team, find ways to connect, and learn how we can help with everything from academic planning to mental health support. Whether you need a quick check-in during lunch, help with college plans, or just want to de-stress in the Wellness Center, we've got your back. Drop by during office hours or scan the QR code to set up an appointment. We're here for you, Dragons!

  • Domains: Academic || Social Emotional || College & Career

    ● Academic planning
    ● Scheduling
    ● Graduation Requirements
    ● Opportunities for homework help and tutoring
    ● Future career goals
    ● College planning
    ● Family challenges
    ● Personal concerns and emotional support
    ● Mental Health
    ● Resources (health, mental health, community)
    ● And more!!

Connect With Us

There are lots of ways to connect with us!

  • Students can drop-in to see their school counselor during any break or lunch, no appointment necessary!
  • This year, we are also excited to share that we have new office hours for students! Every Wednesday from 2:25 - 3:25 pm, school counselors are available for students - no appointment necessary!
  • You can also submit an appointment request or reach out to your counselor directly! See the options below

¡Hay muchas maneras de conectarse con nosotros!

  • Los estudiantes pueden visitar a su consejero escolar durante cualquier descanso o almuerzo, ¡no es necesario hacer cita!
  • Este año, a nunciamos que tenemos nuevos horarios de oficina. Todos los miércoles, de 2:25 a 3:25 p.m., los consejeros escolares estarán disponibles para los estudiantes, ¡sin necesidad de cita!
  • ¡También puedes enviar una solicitud de cita o ponerte en contacto directamente con tu consejero! Consulta las opciones a continuación.

Appointment Request Form

To self refer, refer a friend, or request an appointment with your School Counselor or the Wellness Center, scan the QR Code or submit he student appointment request form below!

Appointment Request Form

Formulario para Solicitar Cita

Para referirse a sí mismo, a un amigo o solicitar una cita con su consejero escolar o el Centro de Bienestar, escaneen el Código QR a continuación o hagan clic en el enlace. 

Solicitud de Cita

barcodeQR Code

Scan the QR Code to access the appointment request form! 

¡Escanea el código QR para acceder al formulario de solicitud de cita!


Forms & Resources

Dragon Calm: Mindfulness & Stress Relief

Need a bit of calm? Try our 7 Days of Mindfulness & Stress Relief or our Virtual Calming Room!

We're here for you, Dragons!

¿Necesitan algo de tranquilidad? Traten los 7 Días de mentalidad plena y alivio al estrés o la Sala virtual para la calma 

¡Estamos aquí para ustedes, Dragones!