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Support for parents of children with disabilities

Support for parents of children with disabilities

Family Involvement & Partnerships Resources and support for parents, guardians, and families of children with disabilities.

College Board/Services for Student with Disabilities

Accommodations for college entrance exams.

Links below are to CDE Website
This page will highlight the topics and links from other sections of this web site, which are of particular interest and will provide information, resources and support to parents, guardians and families of children with disabilities. Procedural Safeguards and Referral Services

Provides technical assistance information and resources for parents, school districts, advocates, agencies and others of procedural safeguards regarding students between ages 3 and 21 with disabilities and their educational rights.

Rights of Parents and Children

Parents' Rights: A Brief Summary of Procedural Safeguards An abbreviated summary of procedural safeguards under federal and state laws.
Link to Specialized Program info at the CDE