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School Spirit

School Spirit

The many dances, rallies, dress-up days, fundraisers, and other extra activities which make the school year fun, are organized by the members of the student government and the Leadership class.

There are three ASB officers:

  • "Voice" of the Student Body
  • Activities Director
  • Financial Officer

They represent students on the School Site Council and the School Board and make decisions which affect the entire school. The Executive Council meets regularly with the school administration as well.

The student body is also represented by the General Assembly, which meets monthly. Each class elects one general assembly representative for the school year. The Executive Council is elected annually through the election convention process. Each class also elects three offices to lead them throughout the year - President, Vice President and Treasurer. Class Officers are primarily responsible for building class unity through activities and projects.

If you are interested in getting involved in student government, try to be elected as a general assembly representative or running for class office. You could also apply to be in the Leadership class. Applications come out in January. Information on elections, general assembly and Leadership class will be posted around campus as well as distributed in the bulletin.