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Dress Code

Dress Code

SVHS has a dress code that is based on the principle that school is a professional work environment

All student attire must be appropriate and should be professional for the learning environment. Shoes must be worn at all times. Any clothing (including hats) that represents gangs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, guns or violence, is sexually explicit or suggestive, uses profane or abusive language, or debases and/or exploits a group is not allowed. A predominance of any color may be considered to be gang affiliation (such as Dodger blue or 49er red and solid colored garments in these colors) and/or contributing to an unsafe school environment. Hats may be worn in class as permitted by the teacher. If a student violates the dress code, he/she may be asked to change clothes or may be sent home for the remainder of the day. Repeated dress code violations will result in detentions and/or further disciplinary action.