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Freshman Sports

Freshman Sports

This program is available to all students in the ninth grade. Sports activities offered are determined by the existence of leagues, student interest, and the relationship to the high school program. At this level, the focus is on continued learning of various skills and game rules, an expansion of the fundamentals of team play, continued social and emotional growth, and an emphasis on healthy competition.

At the freshman level, cutting off students is not our desire and the one thing that all coaches dislike about their positions. However, if the number of students trying out for a team creates a situation that is difficult to manage and poses a safety problem or is problematic because of facility considerations, reducing team size may be necessary. Ultimately, the number of teams and the size of the squad in any sport will be determined by:

  1. Teams in the Vine Valley Athletic League in which we participate
  2. Suitable indoor or outdoor game and practice facilities
  3. A safe environment

In order for the desired development of the adolescent athlete and team to occur, practice sessions are vital. The C.I.F. and N.C.S. of the California High School Athletic Association publish regulations by which practice sessions are governed. The freshman program requires a minimum of a 5-day-a-week commitment with practices and/or contests occasionally scheduled for Saturdays. Opportunities for meaningful contest participation for each team member will exist over the course of a season.