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Wellness Center

SVHS Wellness Center

MariselaMarisela Martinez Avina

District Social Worker
SVHS Wellness Center
Phone: (707) 933-4010 ext 5510

¡Hablamos español!

Camille Garcia photo

Camille Garcia

District Social Worker
SVHS Wellness Center
Phone: (707) 933-4010 ext 5520

Welcome! The Wellness Center is a space open to all students who need mental health support, whether that means a place to relax and take a 15-minute "brain break," check in with wellness staff, or schedule an appointment with a therapist. It's open during break and lunch for drop-ins, or you can schedule an appointment online (see your options below!).

Student Appointments / Citas para Estudiantes

Hey Dragons, whether you just need a quick break during a hard day, want to talk with someone about how to get mental health support, or need academic/college/career support, your School Counselors, Wellness Center, and College & Career Center can help with that!

Hola dragones, ya sea que solo necesiten un breve descanso durante un día difícil, quieran hablar con alguien sobre cómo obtener apoyo de salud mental o necesiten apoyo académico/universitario/profesional, los consejeros escolares, el centro de bienestar y el Centro Vocacional y Universitario están aquí para ayudar con eso!

Appointment Request Form

To self refer, refer a friend, or request an appointment with your School Counselor or the Wellness Center, scan the QR Code or submit he student appointment request form below!

Appointment Request Form

Formulario para Solicitar Cita

Para referirse a sí mismo, a un amigo o solicitar una cita con su consejero escolar o el Centro de Bienestar, escaneen el Código QR a continuación o hagan clic en el enlace. 

Solicitud de Cita

barcodeQR Code

Scan the QR Code to access the appointment request form! 

¡Escanea el código QR para acceder al formulario de solicitud de cita!


Wellness & Mental Health Resources

Need a bit of calm? Try our 7 Days of Mindfulness & Stress Relief or our Virtual Calming Room!

We're here for you, Dragons!

¿Necesitan algo de tranquilidad? Traten los 7 Días de mentalidad plena y alivio al estrés o la Sala virtual para la calma 

¡Estamos aquí para ustedes, Dragones!


Crisis Lines

  • Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: Call 988
  • North Bay Suicide Prevention Hotline:  Call (707) 587-6373
  • Verity Sexual Assault Hotline:  Call (707) 545-7232
  • YWCA Domestic Violence Services: Call (707) 546-1234
  • Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 
  • The Trevor Project: (866) 488-7386